Welcome to Divine Media Group Entertainment!
Divine Media Group Entertainment is a boutique entertainment company. This organization is the brainchild of DeMira Divine Pierre. The idea to form this company originated from Divine Highlights, which is a video imaging and editing company pioneered by DeMira.
In dealing with the clients from divine highlights DeMira realized that there is a market for untapped talent ranging from sports, music, and performing arts. From this Divine Media Group Entertainment was formed. The Mission of D. M.G is to give undiscovered talent a medium to display their crafts. Divine Media Group currently has two branches that are housed under the D. M. G brand.
The first is Divine Highlights and the most recent is “Pop’n to the Top with DeMira Pierre” which is a radio board cast. We currently offer a range of promotional services needed for those looking to make a splash in the entertainment industry. D.M.G ENT ™ has a few projects in the works aimed at giving undiscovered talent an opportunity to display their material.